Source code for fonduer.parser.parser

"""Fonduer parser."""
import itertools
import logging
import re
import warnings
from builtins import range
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import (

import lxml.etree
import lxml.html
from lxml.html import HtmlElement
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session

from fonduer.parser.lingual_parser import LingualParser, SimpleParser, SpacyParser
from fonduer.parser.models import (
from fonduer.parser.models.utils import construct_stable_id
from fonduer.parser.visual_parser import VisualParser
from fonduer.utils.udf import UDF, UDFRunner

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Parser(UDFRunner): r"""Parses into documents into Fonduer's Data Model. :param session: The database session to use. :param parallelism: The number of processes to use in parallel. Default 1. :param structural: Whether to parse structural information from a DOM. :param blacklist: A list of tag types to ignore. Default ["style", "script"]. :param flatten: A list of tag types to flatten. Default ["span", "br"] :param language: Which spaCy NLP language package. Default "en". :param lingual: Whether or not to include NLP information. Default True. :param lingual_parser: A custom lingual parser that inherits :class:`LingualParser <fonduer.parser.lingual_parser.LingualParser>`. When specified, `language` will be ignored. When not, :class:`Spacy` with `language` will be used. :param strip: Whether or not to strip whitespace during parsing. Default True. :param replacements: A list of tuples where the regex string in the first position is replaced by the character in the second position. Default [(u"[\u2010\u2011\u2012\u2013\u2014\u2212]", "-")], which replaces various unicode variants of a hyphen (e.g. emdash, endash, minus, etc.) with a standard ASCII hyphen. :param tabular: Whether to include tabular information in the parse. :param visual_parser: A visual parser that parses visual information. Defaults to None (visual information is not parsed). """ def __init__( self, session: Session, parallelism: int = 1, structural: bool = True, # structural information blacklist: List[str] = [ "style", "script", ], # ignore tag types, default: style, script flatten: List[str] = ["span", "br"], # flatten tag types, default: span, br language: str = "en", lingual: bool = True, # lingual information lingual_parser: Optional[LingualParser] = None, strip: bool = True, replacements: List[Tuple[str, str]] = [ ("[\u2010\u2011\u2012\u2013\u2014\u2212]", "-") ], tabular: bool = True, # tabular information visual_parser: Optional[VisualParser] = None, # visual parser ) -> None: """Initialize Parser.""" super().__init__( session, ParserUDF, parallelism=parallelism, structural=structural, blacklist=blacklist, flatten=flatten, lingual=lingual, lingual_parser=lingual_parser, strip=strip, replacements=replacements, tabular=tabular, visual_parser=visual_parser, language=language, )
[docs] def apply( # type: ignore self, doc_loader: Collection[Document], clear: bool = True, parallelism: Optional[int] = None, progress_bar: bool = True, ) -> None: """Run the Parser. :param doc_loader: An iteratable of ``Documents`` to parse. Typically, one of Fonduer's document preprocessors. :param clear: Whether or not to clear the labels table before applying these LFs. :param parallelism: How many threads to use for extraction. This will override the parallelism value used to initialize the Labeler if it is provided. :param progress_bar: Whether or not to display a progress bar. The progress bar is measured per document. """ super().apply( doc_loader, clear=clear, parallelism=parallelism, progress_bar=progress_bar, )
def _add(self, session: Session, doc: Union[Document, None]) -> None: # Persist the object if no error happens during parsing. if doc: session.add(doc) session.commit()
[docs] def clear(self) -> None: # type: ignore """Clear all of the ``Context`` objects in the database.""" self.session.query(Context).delete(synchronize_session="fetch")
[docs] def get_last_documents(self) -> List[Document]: """Return the most recently successfully parsed list of ``Documents``. :return: A list of the most recently parsed ``Documents`` ordered by name. """ return ( self.session.query(Document) .filter( .order_by( .all() )
[docs] def get_documents(self) -> List[Document]: """Return all the successfully parsed ``Documents`` in the database. :return: A list of all ``Documents`` in the database ordered by name. """ # return ( # self.session.query(Document, Sentence) # .join(Sentence, == Sentence.document_id) # .all() # ) # return self.session.query(Sentence).order_by( return self.session.query(Document).order_by(
class ParserUDF(UDF): """Parser UDF class.""" def __init__( self, structural: bool, blacklist: Union[str, List[str]], flatten: Union[str, List[str]], lingual: bool, lingual_parser: Optional[LingualParser], strip: bool, replacements: List[Tuple[str, str]], tabular: bool, visual_parser: Optional[VisualParser], language: Optional[str], **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """Initialize Parser UDF. :param replacements: a list of (_pattern_, _replace_) tuples where _pattern_ isinstance a regex and _replace_ is a character string. All occurents of _pattern_ in the text will be replaced by _replace_. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) # structural (html) setup self.structural = structural self.blacklist = blacklist if isinstance(blacklist, list) else [blacklist] self.flatten = flatten if isinstance(flatten, list) else [flatten] # lingual setup self.language = language self.strip = strip self.replacements: List[Tuple[Pattern, str]] = [] for (pattern, replace) in replacements: self.replacements.append((re.compile(pattern, flags=re.UNICODE), replace)) self.lingual = lingual if lingual_parser: self.lingual_parser = lingual_parser else: self.lingual_parser = SpacyParser(self.language) # Fallback to SimpleParser if a tokenizer is not supported. if not self.lingual_parser.has_tokenizer_support(): self.lingual_parser = SimpleParser() if self.lingual and not self.lingual_parser.has_NLP_support(): logger.warning( f"Lingual mode will be turned off, " f"as spacy doesn't provide support for this " f"language ({self.language})" ) self.lingual = False # tabular setup self.tabular = tabular # visual setup self.visual_parser = visual_parser def apply( # type: ignore self, document: Document, **kwargs: Any ) -> Optional[Document]: """Parse a text in an instance of Document. :param document: document to parse. """ try: [y for y in self.parse(document, document.text)] if self.visual_parser: if not self.visual_parser.is_parsable( warnings.warn( ( f"Visual parse failed. " f"{} not a PDF. " f"Proceeding without visual parsing." ), RuntimeWarning, ) else: # Add visual attributes [ y for y in self.visual_parser.parse(, document.sentences ) ] return document except Exception as e: logging.exception( ( f"Document {} not added to database, " f"because of parse error: \n{e}" ) ) return None def _parse_table(self, node: HtmlElement, state: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Parse a table node. :param node: The lxml table node to parse :param state: The global state necessary to place the node in context of the document as a whole. """ if not self.tabular: logger.error("Called _parse_table without tabular activated.") return state if node.tag == "table": table_idx = state["table"]["idx"] stable_id = f"{state['document'].name}::{'table'}:{state['table']['idx']}" # Set name for Table name = node.attrib["name"] if "name" in node.attrib else None # Create the Table in the DB parts = {} parts["document"] = state["document"] parts["stable_id"] = stable_id parts["name"] = name parts["position"] = table_idx parent = state["parent"][node] if isinstance(parent, Cell): parts["section"] = parent.table.section elif isinstance(parent, Section): parts["section"] = parent else: raise NotImplementedError("Table is not within a Section or Cell") state["context"][node] = Table(**parts) # Local state for each table. This is required to support nested # tables state["table"][table_idx] = { "grid": defaultdict(int), "cell_pos": 0, "row_idx": -1, "col_idx": 0, } # Increment table counter state["table"]["idx"] += 1 elif node.tag == "tr": if not isinstance(state["parent"][node], Table): raise NotImplementedError("Table row parent must be a Table.") state["table"][state["parent"][node].position]["col_idx"] = 0 state["table"][state["parent"][node].position]["row_idx"] += 1 elif node.tag in ["td", "th"]: if not isinstance(state["parent"][node], Table): raise NotImplementedError("Cell parent must be a Table.") if not state["table"][state["parent"][node].position]["row_idx"] >= 0: raise NotImplementedError("Table cell encountered before a table row.") # calculate row_start/col_start while state["table"][state["parent"][node].position]["grid"][ ( state["table"][state["parent"][node].position]["row_idx"], state["table"][state["parent"][node].position]["col_idx"], ) ]: # while a cell on the grid is occupied, keep moving state["table"][state["parent"][node].position]["col_idx"] += 1 col_start = state["table"][state["parent"][node].position]["col_idx"] row_start = state["table"][state["parent"][node].position]["row_idx"] # calculate row_end/col_end row_end = row_start if "rowspan" in node.attrib: try: row_end += int(node.get("rowspan")) - 1 except ValueError: logger.error(f"Rowspan has invalid value: '{node.get('rowspan')}'") col_end = col_start if "colspan" in node.attrib: try: col_end += int(node.get("colspan")) - 1 except ValueError: logger.error(f"Colspan has invalid value: '{node.get('colspan')}'") # update grid with occupied cells for r, c in itertools.product( list(range(row_start, row_end + 1)), list(range(col_start, col_end + 1)) ): state["table"][state["parent"][node].position]["grid"][(r, c)] = 1 # Set name for Cell name = node.attrib["name"] if "name" in node.attrib else None # construct cell parts = defaultdict(list) parts["document"] = state["document"] parts["name"] = name parts["table"] = state["parent"][node] parts["row_start"] = row_start parts["row_end"] = row_end parts["col_start"] = col_start parts["col_end"] = col_end parts["position"] = state["table"][state["parent"][node].position][ "cell_pos" ] stable_id = ( f"{parts['document'].name}" f"::" f"{'cell'}" f":" f"{parts['table'].position}" f":" f"{row_start}" f":" f"{col_start}" ) parts["stable_id"] = stable_id # Create the Cell in the DB state["context"][node] = Cell(**parts) # Update position state["table"][state["parent"][node].position]["col_idx"] += 1 state["table"][state["parent"][node].position]["cell_pos"] += 1 return state def _parse_figure(self, node: HtmlElement, state: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Parse the figure node. :param node: The lxml img node to parse :param state: The global state necessary to place the node in context of the document as a whole. """ if node.tag not in ["img", "figure"]: return state # Process the Figure stable_id = ( f"{state['document'].name}" f"::" f"{'figure'}" f":" f"{state['figure']['idx']}" ) # Set name for Figure name = node.attrib["name"] if "name" in node.attrib else None # img within a Figure get's processed in the parent Figure if node.tag == "img" and isinstance(state["parent"][node], Figure): return state # NOTE: We currently do NOT support nested figures. parts: Dict[str, Any] = {} parent = state["parent"][node] if isinstance(parent, Section): parts["section"] = parent elif isinstance(parent, Cell): parts["section"] = parent.table.section parts["cell"] = parent else: logger.warning(f"Figure is nested within {state['parent'][node]}") return state parts["document"] = state["document"] parts["stable_id"] = stable_id parts["name"] = name parts["position"] = state["figure"]["idx"] # If processing a raw img if node.tag == "img": # Create the Figure entry in the DB parts["url"] = node.get("src") state["context"][node] = Figure(**parts) elif node.tag == "figure": # Pull the image from a child img node, if one exists imgs = [child for child in node if child.tag == "img"] # In case the image from the child img node doesn't exist if len(imgs) == 0: logger.warning("No image found in Figure.") return state if len(imgs) > 1: logger.warning("Figure contains multiple images.") # Right now we don't support multiple URLs in the Figure context # As a workaround, just ignore the outer Figure and allow processing # of the individual images. We ignore the accompanying figcaption # by marking it as visited. for child in node: if child.tag == "figcaption": child.set("visited", "true") return state img = imgs[0] img.set("visited", "true") # Create the Figure entry in the DB parts["url"] = img.get("src") state["context"][node] = Figure(**parts) state["figure"]["idx"] += 1 return state def _parse_sentence( self, paragraph: Paragraph, node: HtmlElement, state: Dict[str, Any] ) -> Iterator[Sentence]: """Parse the Sentences of the node. :param node: The lxml node to parse :param state: The global state necessary to place the node in context of the document as a whole. """ text = state["paragraph"]["text"] field = state["paragraph"]["field"] # Set name for Sentence name = node.attrib["name"] if "name" in node.attrib else None # Lingual Parse document = state["document"] for parts in self.lingual_parser.split_sentences(text): abs_offset = state["sentence"]["abs_offset"] parts["abs_char_offsets"] = [ char_offset + abs_offset for char_offset in parts["char_offsets"] ] parts["document"] = document # NOTE: Why do we overwrite this from the spacy parse? parts["position"] = state["sentence"]["idx"] abs_sentence_offset_end = ( state["sentence"]["abs_offset"] + parts["char_offsets"][-1] + len(parts["words"][-1]) ) parts["stable_id"] = construct_stable_id( document, "sentence", state["sentence"]["abs_offset"], abs_sentence_offset_end, ) parts["name"] = name state["sentence"]["abs_offset"] = abs_sentence_offset_end if self.structural: context_node = node.getparent() if field == "tail" else node tree = lxml.etree.ElementTree(state["root"]) parts["xpath"] = tree.getpath(context_node) parts["html_tag"] = context_node.tag parts["html_attrs"] = [ "=".join(x) for x in context_node.attrib.items() if x[0] != "visited" ] # Extending html style attribute with the styles # from inline style class for the element. cur_style_index = None for index, attr in enumerate(parts["html_attrs"]): if attr.find("style") >= 0: cur_style_index = index break head = state["root"].find("head") styles = None if head is not None: styles = head.find("style") if styles is not None: for x in list(context_node.attrib.items()): if x[0] == "class": exp = r"(." + x[1] + r")([\n\s\r]*)\{(.*?)\}" r = re.compile(exp, re.DOTALL) if is not None: if cur_style_index is not None: parts["html_attrs"][cur_style_index] += ( .group(3) .replace("\r", "") .replace("\n", "") .replace("\t", "") ) else: parts["html_attrs"].extend( [ "style=" + re.sub( r"\s{1,}", " ", .group(3) .replace("\r", "") .replace("\n", "") .replace("\t", "") .strip(), ) ] ) break parts["position"] = state["sentence"]["idx"] # If tabular, consider own Context first in case a Cell # was just created. Otherwise, defer to the parent. parent = paragraph if isinstance(parent, Paragraph): parts["section"] = parent.section parts["paragraph"] = parent if parent.cell: # if True self.tabular is also always True parts["table"] = parent.cell.table parts["cell"] = parent.cell parts["row_start"] = parent.cell.row_start parts["row_end"] = parent.cell.row_end parts["col_start"] = parent.cell.col_start parts["col_end"] = parent.cell.col_end else: raise NotImplementedError("Sentence parent must be Paragraph.") yield Sentence(**parts) state["sentence"]["idx"] += 1 def _parse_paragraph( self, node: HtmlElement, state: Dict[str, Any] ) -> Iterator[Sentence]: """Parse a Paragraph of the node. :param node: The lxml node to parse :param state: The global state necessary to place the node in context of the document as a whole. """ # Both Paragraphs will share the same parent parent = ( state["context"][node] if node in state["context"] else state["parent"][node] ) # Set name for Paragraph name = node.attrib["name"] if "name" in node.attrib else None if len(node.getchildren()) == 0: # leaf node fields = ["text", "tail"] elif node.get("visited") == "text": # .text was parsed already fields = ["tail"] node.set("visited", "true") else: fields = ["text"] node.set("visited", "text") self.stack.append(node) # will visit again later for tail for field in fields: text = getattr(node, field) text = text.strip() if text and self.strip else text # Skip if "" or None if not text: continue # Run RegEx replacements for (rgx, replace) in self.replacements: text = rgx.sub(replace, text) # Process the Paragraph stable_id = ( f"{state['document'].name}" f"::" f"{'paragraph'}" f":" f"{state['paragraph']['idx']}" ) parts = {} parts["stable_id"] = stable_id parts["name"] = name parts["document"] = state["document"] parts["position"] = state["paragraph"]["idx"] if isinstance(parent, Caption): if parent.table: parts["section"] = parent.table.section elif parent.figure: parts["section"] = parent.figure.section parts["caption"] = parent elif isinstance(parent, Cell): parts["section"] = parent.table.section parts["cell"] = parent elif isinstance(parent, Section): parts["section"] = parent elif isinstance(parent, Figure): # occurs with text in the tail of an img parts["section"] = parent.section elif isinstance(parent, Table): # occurs with text in the tail of a table parts["section"] = parent.section else: raise NotImplementedError( f"Para '{text}' parent must be Section, Caption, or Cell, " f"not {parent}" ) # Create the entry in the DB paragraph = Paragraph(**parts) state["paragraph"]["idx"] += 1 state["paragraph"]["text"] = text state["paragraph"]["field"] = field yield from self._parse_sentence(paragraph, node, state) def _parse_section( self, node: HtmlElement, state: Dict[str, Any] ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Parse a Section of the node. Note that this implementation currently creates a Section at the beginning of the document and creates Section based on tag of node. :param node: The lxml node to parse :param state: The global state necessary to place the node in context of the document as a whole. """ if node.tag not in ["html", "section"]: return state # Add a Section stable_id = ( f"{state['document'].name}" f"::" f"{'section'}" f":" f"{state['section']['idx']}" ) # Set name for Section name = node.attrib["name"] if "name" in node.attrib else None state["context"][node] = Section( document=state["document"], name=name, stable_id=stable_id, position=state["section"]["idx"], ) state["section"]["idx"] += 1 return state def _parse_caption( self, node: HtmlElement, state: Dict[str, Any] ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Parse a Caption of the node. :param node: The lxml node to parse :param state: The global state necessary to place the node in context of the document as a whole. """ if node.tag not in ["caption", "figcaption"]: # captions used in Tables return state # Add a Caption parent = state["parent"][node] stable_id = ( f"{state['document'].name}" f"::" f"{'caption'}" f":" f"{state['caption']['idx']}" ) # Set name for Section name = node.attrib["name"] if "name" in node.attrib else None if isinstance(parent, Table): state["context"][node] = Caption( document=state["document"], table=parent, figure=None, stable_id=stable_id, name=name, position=state["caption"]["idx"], ) elif isinstance(parent, Figure): state["context"][node] = Caption( document=state["document"], table=None, figure=parent, stable_id=stable_id, name=name, position=state["caption"]["idx"], ) else: raise NotImplementedError("Caption must be a child of Table or Figure.") state["caption"]["idx"] += 1 return state def _parse_node( self, node: HtmlElement, state: Dict[str, Any] ) -> Iterator[Sentence]: """Entry point for parsing all node types. :param node: The lxml HTML node to parse :param state: The global state necessary to place the node in context of the document as a whole. :return: a *generator* of Sentences """ # Processing on entry of node if node.get("visited") != "text": # skip when .text has been parsed state = self._parse_section(node, state) state = self._parse_figure(node, state) if self.tabular: state = self._parse_table(node, state) state = self._parse_caption(node, state) yield from self._parse_paragraph(node, state) def parse(self, document: Document, text: str) -> Iterator[Sentence]: """Depth-first search over the provided tree. Implemented as an iterative procedure. The structure of the state needed to parse each node is also defined in this function. :param document: the Document context :param text: the structured text of the document (e.g. HTML) :return: a *generator* of Sentences. """ self.stack = [] root = lxml.html.fromstring(text) # flattens children of node that are in the 'flatten' list if self.flatten: lxml.etree.strip_tags(root, self.flatten) # Strip comments lxml.etree.strip_tags(root, lxml.etree.Comment) # Assign the text, which was stripped of the 'flatten'-tags, to the document document.text = lxml.etree.tostring(root, encoding="unicode") # This dictionary contain the global state necessary to parse a # document and each context element. This reflects the relationships # defined in parser/models. This contains the state necessary to create # the respective Contexts within the document. state = { "parent": {}, # map of parent[child] = node used to discover child "context": {}, # track the Context of each node (context['td'] = Cell) "root": root, "document": document, "section": {"idx": 0}, "paragraph": {"idx": 0}, "figure": {"idx": 0}, "caption": {"idx": 0}, "table": {"idx": 0}, "sentence": {"idx": 0, "abs_offset": 0}, } # NOTE: Currently the helper functions directly manipulate the state # rather than returning a modified copy. # Iterative Depth-First Search self.stack.append(root) state["parent"][root] = document state["context"][root] = document tokenized_sentences: List[Sentence] = [] while self.stack: node = self.stack.pop() if node.get("visited") != "true": # Process if self.lingual: tokenized_sentences += [y for y in self._parse_node(node, state)] else: yield from self._parse_node(node, state) # NOTE: This reversed() order is to ensure that the iterative # DFS matches the order that would be produced by a recursive # DFS implementation. if node.get("visited") != "true": for child in reversed(node): # Skip nodes that are blacklisted if self.blacklist and child.tag in self.blacklist: continue self.stack.append(child) # store the parent of the node, which is either the parent # Context, or if the parent did not create a Context, then # use the node's parent Context. state["parent"][child] = ( state["context"][node] if node in state["context"] else state["parent"][node] ) else: node.set("visited", "true") # mark as visited if self.lingual: yield from self.lingual_parser.enrich_sentences_with_NLP( tokenized_sentences )