Source code for fonduer.parser.preprocessors.doc_preprocessor

"""Fonduer document preprocessor."""
import glob
import os
import sys
from typing import Iterator, List

from fonduer.parser.models.document import Document

[docs]class DocPreprocessor(object): """An abstract class of a ``Document`` generator. Unless otherwise stated by a subclass, it's assumed that there is one ``Document`` per file. """ def __init__( self, path: str, encoding: str = "utf-8", max_docs: int = sys.maxsize ) -> None: """Initialize DocPreprocessor. :param path: a path to file or directory, or a glob pattern. The basename (as returned by ``os.path.basename``) should be unique among all files. :param encoding: file encoding to use, defaults to "utf-8". :param max_docs: the maximum number of ``Documents`` to produce, defaults to sys.maxsize. :return: A generator of ``Documents``. """ self.path = path self.encoding = encoding self.max_docs = max_docs self.all_files = self._get_files(self.path) def _generate(self) -> Iterator[Document]: """Parse a file or directory of files into a set of ``Document`` objects.""" doc_count = 0 for fp in self.all_files: for doc in self._get_docs_for_path(fp): yield doc doc_count += 1 if doc_count >= self.max_docs: return def __len__(self) -> int: """Get total number of documents.""" raise NotImplementedError( "One generic file can yield more than one Document object, " "so length can not be yielded before we process all files" ) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Document]: """Get the generator of documents.""" return self._generate() def _get_docs_for_path(self, fp: str) -> Iterator[Document]: file_name = os.path.basename(fp) if self._can_read(file_name): for doc in self._parse_file(fp, file_name): yield doc def _get_stable_id(self, doc_id: str) -> str: return f"{doc_id}::document:0:0" def _parse_file(self, fp: str, file_name: str) -> Iterator[Document]: raise NotImplementedError() def _can_read(self, fpath: str) -> bool: return not fpath.startswith(".") def _get_files(self, path: str) -> List[str]: if os.path.isfile(path): fpaths = [path] elif os.path.isdir(path): fpaths = [os.path.join(path, f) for f in os.listdir(path)] else: fpaths = glob.glob(path) fpaths = [x for x in fpaths if self._can_read(x)] if len(fpaths) > 0: return sorted(fpaths) else: raise IOError( f"No readable file found at {path}. Check if {path} exists " "and a filename ends with an allowable extension (e.g., .html)" )