Source code for fonduer.parser.preprocessors.hocr_doc_preprocessor

"""Fonduer hOCR document preprocessor."""
import codecs
import os
import re
import sys
from typing import Iterator, Optional, Tuple

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from bs4.element import Comment, NavigableString, Tag

from fonduer.parser.models import Document
from fonduer.parser.preprocessors.doc_preprocessor import DocPreprocessor

[docs]class HOCRDocPreprocessor(DocPreprocessor): """A ``Document`` generator for hOCR files. hOCR should comply with `hOCR v1.2`_. Note that *ppageno* property of *ocr_page* is optional by `hOCR v1.2`_, but is required by Fonduer. .. _hOCR v1.2: """ def __init__( self, path: str, encoding: str = "utf-8", max_docs: int = sys.maxsize, space: bool = True, ): """Initialize HOCRDocPreprocessor. :param path: a path to file or directory, or a glob pattern. The basename (as returned by ``os.path.basename``) should be unique among all files. :param encoding: file encoding to use, defaults to "utf-8". :param max_docs: the maximum number of ``Documents`` to produce, defaults to sys.maxsize. :param space: boolean value indicating whether each word should have a subsequent space. E.g., English has spaces between words. :return: A generator of ``Documents``. """ super().__init__(path, encoding, max_docs) = space def _parse_file(self, fp: str, file_name: str) -> Iterator[Document]: # Adapted from def get_prop(node: Tag, name: str) -> Optional[str]: title = node["title"] if not title: return None props = title.split(";") for prop in props: (key, args) = prop.split(None, 1) if key == name: return args return None # Adapted from def get_bbox(node: Tag) -> Tuple[str, ...]: bbox = get_prop(node, "bbox") if not bbox: return None return tuple([x for x in bbox.split()]) with, encoding=self.encoding) as f: soup = BeautifulSoup(f, "lxml") all_html_elements = soup.find_all("html") if len(all_html_elements) != 1: raise NotImplementedError( f"Expecting exactly one html element per html file: {file_name}" ) root = all_html_elements[0] capabilities = root.find("meta", attrs={"name": "ocr-capabilities"}) if capabilities is None: raise RuntimeError( "The input hOCR does not contain ocr-capabilities metadata." ) # Unwrap ocr_line/ocrx_line as Fonduer has no data model for lines. if "ocr_line" in capabilities["content"]: for line in root.find_all(class_="ocr_line"): line.unwrap() if "ocrx_line" in capabilities["content"]: for line in root.find_all(class_="ocrx_line"): line.unwrap() if "ocrx_word" in capabilities["content"]: for p, page in enumerate(root.find_all(class_="ocr_page")): ppageno = str(p) # 0-based for word in page.find_all(class_="ocrx_word"): parent = word.parent (left, top, right, bottom) = get_bbox(word) # ocrx_word could have multiple words with one or more of spaces # in-between. This actually happens on Tesseract 4.00. # This is normalized by splitting and concatenating later. tokens = word.text.split() if "left" not in parent.attrs: parent["left"] = [] parent["top"] = [] parent["right"] = [] parent["bottom"] = [] parent["ppageno"] = [] parent["tokens"] = [] parent["left"] += [left] * len(tokens) parent["top"] += [top] * len(tokens) parent["right"] += [right] * len(tokens) parent["bottom"] += [bottom] * len(tokens) parent["ppageno"] += [ppageno] * len(tokens) parent["tokens"] += tokens if "ocrp_wconf" in capabilities["content"]: x_wconf = get_prop(word, "x_wconf") if "x_wconf" not in parent.attrs: parent["x_wconf"] = [] parent["x_wconf"].append(x_wconf) # Mark the parent element if "fonduer" not in parent.attrs: parent["fonduer"] = ["1"] # Concat words again with " " or "". if len(tokens) > 1: if word.string.replace_with(" ".join(tokens)) else: word.string.replace_with("".join(tokens)) word.unwrap() # Clean-up for i, parent in enumerate(root.find_all(attrs={"fonduer": "1"})): # Concat consecutive NavigableString parent.smooth() # beautifulsoup4 >= 4.8.0 # Remove linebreaks and excess spaces # in reverse order b/c removing element from list in loop for child in reversed(parent.contents): if isinstance(child, Comment): # remove comments child.extract() elif isinstance(child, NavigableString): if child.strip() == "": # remove if space or linebreak child.extract() else: tmp = re.sub(r"[\n\s]+", " " if else "", child) n = NavigableString(tmp.strip()) child.replace_with(n) del parent["fonduer"] name = os.path.basename(fp)[: os.path.basename(fp).rfind(".")] stable_id = self._get_stable_id(name) yield Document( name=name, stable_id=stable_id, text=str(root), meta={"file_name": file_name}, ) def __len__(self) -> int: """Provide a len attribute based on max_docs and number of files in folder.""" num_docs = min(len(self.all_files), self.max_docs) return num_docs def _can_read(self, fpath: str) -> bool: """Return True if the path ends with either 'html' or 'hocr'.""" return fpath.lower().endswith("hocr") or fpath.lower().endswith("html")