Source code for fonduer.utils.data_model_utils.textual

"""Fonduer textual modality utilities."""
from itertools import chain
from typing import Iterator, Union

from fonduer.candidates.models import Candidate, Mention
from fonduer.candidates.models.span_mention import TemporarySpanMention
from fonduer.utils.data_model_utils.utils import _to_span, _to_spans
from fonduer.utils.utils import tokens_to_ngrams

[docs]def same_sentence(c: Candidate) -> bool: """Return True if all Mentions in the given candidate are from the same Sentence. :param c: The candidate whose Mentions are being compared """ return all( _to_span(c[i]).sentence is not None and _to_span(c[i]).sentence == _to_span(c[0]).sentence for i in range(len(c)) )
[docs]def get_between_ngrams( c: Candidate, attrib: str = "words", n_min: int = 1, n_max: int = 1, lower: bool = True, ) -> Iterator[str]: """Return the ngrams *between* two unary Mentions of a binary-Mention Candidate. Get the ngrams *between* two unary Mentions of a binary-Mention Candidate, where both share the same sentence Context. :param c: The binary-Mention Candidate to evaluate. :param attrib: The token attribute type (e.g. words, lemmas, poses) :param n_min: The minimum n of the ngrams that should be returned :param n_max: The maximum n of the ngrams that should be returned :param lower: If 'True', all ngrams will be returned in lower case """ if len(c) != 2: raise ValueError("Only applicable to binary Candidates") span0 = _to_span(c[0]) span1 = _to_span(c[1]) if span0.sentence != span1.sentence: raise ValueError( "Only applicable to Candidates where both spans are \ from the same immediate Context." ) distance = abs(span0.get_word_start_index() - span1.get_word_start_index()) if span0.get_word_start_index() < span1.get_word_start_index(): for ngram in get_right_ngrams( span0, window=distance - 1, attrib=attrib, n_min=n_min, n_max=n_max, lower=lower, ): yield ngram else: # span0.get_word_start_index() > span1.get_word_start_index() for ngram in get_right_ngrams( span1, window=distance - 1, attrib=attrib, n_min=n_min, n_max=n_max, lower=lower, ): yield ngram
[docs]def get_left_ngrams( mention: Union[Candidate, Mention, TemporarySpanMention], window: int = 3, attrib: str = "words", n_min: int = 1, n_max: int = 1, lower: bool = True, ) -> Iterator[str]: """Get the ngrams within a window to the *left* from the sentence Context. For higher-arity Candidates, defaults to the *first* argument. :param mention: The Mention to evaluate. If a candidate is given, default to its first Mention. :param window: The number of tokens to the left of the first argument to return. :param attrib: The token attribute type (e.g. words, lemmas, poses) :param n_min: The minimum n of the ngrams that should be returned :param n_max: The maximum n of the ngrams that should be returned :param lower: If True, all ngrams will be returned in lower case """ span = _to_span(mention) i = span.get_word_start_index() for ngram in tokens_to_ngrams( getattr(span.sentence, attrib)[max(0, i - window) : i], n_min=n_min, n_max=n_max, lower=lower, ): yield ngram
[docs]def get_right_ngrams( mention: Union[Candidate, Mention, TemporarySpanMention], window: int = 3, attrib: str = "words", n_min: int = 1, n_max: int = 1, lower: bool = True, ) -> Iterator[str]: """Get the ngrams within a window to the *right* from the sentence Context. For higher-arity Candidates, defaults to the *last* argument. :param mention: The Mention to evaluate. If a candidate is given, default to its last Mention. :param window: The number of tokens to the left of the first argument to return :param attrib: The token attribute type (e.g. words, lemmas, poses) :param n_min: The minimum n of the ngrams that should be returned :param n_max: The maximum n of the ngrams that should be returned :param lower: If True, all ngrams will be returned in lower case """ span = _to_span(mention, idx=-1) i = span.get_word_end_index() for ngram in tokens_to_ngrams( getattr(span.sentence, attrib)[i + 1 : i + 1 + window], n_min=n_min, n_max=n_max, lower=lower, ): yield ngram
[docs]def get_sentence_ngrams( mention: Union[Candidate, Mention, TemporarySpanMention], attrib: str = "words", n_min: int = 1, n_max: int = 1, lower: bool = True, ) -> Iterator[str]: """Get the ngrams that are in the Sentence of the given Mention, not including itself. Note that if a candidate is passed in, all of its Mentions will be searched. :param mention: The Mention whose Sentence is being searched :param attrib: The token attribute type (e.g. words, lemmas, poses) :param n_min: The minimum n of the ngrams that should be returned :param n_max: The maximum n of the ngrams that should be returned :param lower: If True, all ngrams will be returned in lower case """ spans = _to_spans(mention) for span in spans: for ngram in get_left_ngrams( span, window=100, attrib=attrib, n_min=n_min, n_max=n_max, lower=lower ): yield ngram for ngram in get_right_ngrams( span, window=100, attrib=attrib, n_min=n_min, n_max=n_max, lower=lower ): yield ngram
[docs]def get_neighbor_sentence_ngrams( mention: Union[Candidate, Mention, TemporarySpanMention], d: int = 1, attrib: str = "words", n_min: int = 1, n_max: int = 1, lower: bool = True, ) -> Iterator[str]: """Get the ngrams that are in the neighoring Sentences of the given Mention. Note that if a candidate is passed in, all of its Mentions will be searched. :param mention: The Mention whose neighbor Sentences are being searched :param attrib: The token attribute type (e.g. words, lemmas, poses) :param n_min: The minimum n of the ngrams that should be returned :param n_max: The maximum n of the ngrams that should be returned :param lower: If True, all ngrams will be returned in lower case """ spans = _to_spans(mention) for span in spans: for ngram in chain.from_iterable( [ tokens_to_ngrams( getattr(sentence, attrib), n_min=n_min, n_max=n_max, lower=lower ) for sentence in span.sentence.document.sentences if abs(sentence.position - span.sentence.position) <= d and sentence != span.sentence ] ): yield ngram